Yesterday I heard a noise in my mind. It sounded like the sound of a triangle. When I asked the Father what the sound was, I suddenly saw a festively laid table in front of me and I saw that a man’s hand was tapping a glass with a small spoon because he wanted to make a speech. The man stood up (I couldn’t see his face, but I knew immediately that the man represented the Father in heaven) and began to speak:
‘My beloved children in Germany. I have heard your prayers. Changes are coming. Big changes are coming. At first it looks as if the opposite of your prayers will happen. But it is not so. Do you remember how desolate the world was before it was created? You can compare the current time in your country with this. At first, the chaos will increase. The pressure will increase. Over a long period of time, I have repeatedly asked you to prepare yourselves. Beloved children: “There is still a little time to prepare! But you must prepare NOW”! What this means for you in detail, you will find out in my presence. Come to me. Spend time with me. Ask me, ask me, I will answer you. I will give you strategies and ideas. Make sure you follow my instructions as Noah did. This preparation is not for you alone, but also for those who will meet you. For those who will need it in the future. It is also important that you receive prayer strategies from me. It is not the time to neglect prayer. It is time to intensify your prayer. Principalities are against your land. I will pour out the spirit of Daniel on many of you. But know this: I am in action. I am already working in the background. And I will bring another turnaround to your country. But my action is connected to your prayers, just as Daniel’s prayer paved the way for the angels to carry out what I had planned. I have told you that you are in charge of this earth and therefore take your place of authority. Ask me before you pray to have eyes to see and ears to hear. There is so much falsehood going around. Make sure you hear from me and declare these things I tell you. Be careful that you do not unite with the evil one. And remember that the spirit of deception calls evil good and good evil. Many things are not what they seem to be. Therefore, make sure that you spend time with me and hear my voice and not the voice of the media first. Is it not written that you should be vigilant that no one deceives you? Be vigilant. Your protection is to know my voice and let me work on you. Do not exalt yourselves above others and take care that your love does not grow cold.