How nice that you found my website

I would be happy if you feel comfortable here and if one or the other impulse speaks to you, encourages you, aligns you, comforts you or builds you up.
I myself have been so blessed by countless similar impulses that other people have passed on, and I still am, that it is also on my heart to not only keep the words, impressions, experiences or sometimes even songs that I have received in prayer for myself, but also to pass them on to others and thus give God the opportunity to touch people through this.
It is on my heart to put into practice what is written in 1 Peter 4:10: And serve one another, each with the gift he has received, as good stewards of the manifold mercies of God.
It is in accordance with God’s Fatherly heart to replenish ourselves so that there is always enough for others. If we learn to live this with one another more and more, none of us will lack what we need. What a beautiful idea.
It would be a joy for me if we can also be in touch with each other in other ways, such as on Facebook or Instagram, if you like.
However, whether we ever meet or not, I wish you God’s blessings with all my heart!
Connected in Jesus, Corinna

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