Author Archives: admin

A word for Germany

Yesterday I heard a noise in my mind. It sounded like the sound of a triangle. When I asked the Father what the sound was, I suddenly saw a festively laid table in front of me and I saw that … Continue reading

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A few thoughts on the topic of love

Here are a few thoughts on the motto for 2024: “Let all that you do be done in love!” 1 Corinthians 16:14 The Bible describes love as follows: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Hfa[4] Love is patient and kind. It is not … Continue reading

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A look into the eyes of Jesus

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It is time!

As I went into prayer today, I suddenly saw in my mind’s eye, to my left and right, those whom we would call the cloud of witnesses, receiving me with honour. They were clearly delighted to see me. They said … Continue reading

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Victorious to win!

This morning Father asked me to write down what I saw in my mind’s eye. First I saw a night sky in which the moon – it looked like a full moon – was shining through a thin layer of … Continue reading

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The Dark Room

The dark room This morning I was praying for a sister and I asked the Father to show me her as He sees her. Suddenly the Father showed me a very beautiful big house. It reminded me of a castle. … Continue reading

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How nice that you found my website

I would be happy if you feel comfortable here and if one or the other impulse speaks to you, encourages you, aligns you, comforts you or builds you up.I myself have been so blessed by countless similar impulses that other … Continue reading

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My beloved daughter…

My beloved daughter… My beloved daughter… My beloved daughter, it is sooo nice that you are here again and that you take extra time for me. I enjoy these times together with you. When I look at you, I see … Continue reading

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The royal sceptre

Proverbs 18:21Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he who loves it will eat its fruit. While I was in adoration before the Father, I experienced a tremendous calm. It was a remarkable calm, and for … Continue reading

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